After a lawsuit filed by yellow taxi drivers, the plan to increase the wheelchair accessibility of New York City’s taxi fleet by 2020 is now on hold.
New rules requiring wheelchair accessible taxicabs within the fleet came about after the city settled a suit that charged it was in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act because so few taxis were accessible. Only approximately 250 of New York City’s 13,000 were able to pick up passengers in wheelchairs.
The suit filed by the taxicab drivers alleges that the requirement that half of all yellow taxi owners to start buying wheelchair-accessible cars in January is in direct conflict with a previous law that requires the city to utilize fuel-efficient hybrid taxis.
The city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) has yet to approve a vehicle that is both hybrid and is also wheelchair accessible at the same time. No vehicle like this appears to be available.
Taxicab drivers state that there are only ten vehicle models that the TLC has approved for them to use. However, none of those approved vehicles are both hybrid and wheelchair accessible.
A spokesman for the city’s law department said the city is “strongly committed to accessibility and will be opposing this application.
In comparison, Uber is not covered by the city’s requirements for wheelchair accessibility because they classify themselves as an “app” company and not a provider of transportation. It should also be noted that as of 2016, Uber passengers can locate a wheelchair accessible vehicle by simply choosing UberWAV within the app when scheduling a ride.
Jim Weisman is the president of the United Spinal Association and states that he is not without sympathy for the taxi drivers. “They’re not protected from Uber and they’re desperate guys,” he said. He does, however, want the city to live up to its promise to provide wheelchair accessible rides for those that need it.
By Samantha Staff Writer
Uber Made me homeless serious
Corrupt TLC, When are uber and lyft and all the other apps going to be required to provide wc accessable service.
somebody is gonna pay the price ,there is no free game here they dont feel our pain.all cabbies going nut.just one studio apartment for 1100$ in a junk zip code bearly we make 300$ a week .tlc must understand the the definition of competition ,is not stealing trips but competition is about serving client in order to make more you see taxi ride is just same rides 2 per person a day .first off uber has no right to operate where yellow swin ….tlc should put the lease down we can not pay for their mistakes..I think north korea conduct nuc test because americans are starving they need to eat somebody,what is going on people I cant breath …..
Uber is not competing is stealing and taxi garages rippoff cabies
I wish everybody is making money but you eating our lunch bro .no trips .this is destruction not competition,oh my god how far is the moon wanna live there
Nissan payed the city for exclusive vehicle rights but the MV1 is a better vehicle.
Most places, y call big company fr handi-accessible limo,
they send one.Big$$$
We know the monied executives doing business pay high bucks for limousine
transportation.And if a monied executive needs handi-accessible vehicle I am
sure they have one to fit the bill, or otherwise accommodate.
Why not Uber and Lyft “fleet” service. Maybe NYC should set it up: all yellows
be dispatched by Uber, no handi-accessible taxis? If y turn it on their ear, and
let yellows skate, y no chameleon Joshifier from Josh & Joshifier LLC going to
change their “official” tune.
Uber isn’t considered a transportation service? Well then what is the description of the service they provide??? And aren’t yellow cab drivers like myself independent contractors also? So many questions, but we all know the true answers.
Uber is a lying chameleon and TLC Commissioners believe Uber-lies are morons.
garage cab companies lie on posters saying 1260$ weekly /49$ Thursdays ,everything included,I wouldn’t drive that cab for 10$ a day.stupidity smells like sht .some driver made 60$ working double shift.poor gas on your cabs and watch them burn to hell.misery//don’t drive those cabs let garages commit suicide.GOD BLESS UBER.
More and more drivers returning to yellow. Too many FHV drivers, no money.
Yup, guess yellows dispatched by Way2Ride & Arro,not
req’d to be handi-accessible.
Then what the chameleons going to change into. Is there some point where it is
CHECK MATE CHAMELEON tlc (mayor, gov)?
Dint da chamelions say service dispatched by an
E-app doesn’t hafta have handi-access?
Meera Joshi must be FIRED!
Too late to recover from this mess and return to the old days .hard to win drivers heart to come back driver for taxi or uber both are gone back home or looking for an other work no body will trust this business anymore due to misrespecting of drivers livable wages .drivers need minimum 3500$ Net A month to survive within the metropolitan area.really Tlc has commited crimes againsnt its drivers in addition to the starvation of fleet owners charging cabies over tlc prices helped drivers migration to uber quickly never seen before in any sector .are you an uber or a cab driver?what is your net income this year 2015??man
Who’d a thought a NYC billionaire could be a 2016 GOP
Ho ho ho, jokes on Broomberg.
Royal is right. No coming back. The TLC mandates keep on coming. Panic button, wca, black box probably more surcharges and who knows what else. Banks will most likely never lend to buyers again or give loans. More medallions on the shelf every week. Drivers won’t lease a medallion and buy a car especially a wca. Of course the study found uber has no impact on traffic. Now another useless health care surcharge is coming. It’s over but for you who think there will be a comeback ask yourself when was the last time you went to Hoboken? A year or so for me.
Looking INTO IT …Something’s Going To Come Down…SOON
City’s Delayed Traffic Study to Guide Regulation of Uber Vehicles
Report: Uber Hasn’t Worsened NYC Traffic
$2 million traffic study ‘does not point the finger at Uber’
New York’s traffic troubles aren’t Uber’s fault.
The study was due by the end of November. But over six weeks after the deadline, the findings have yet to be made public.
The city has been silent about the delay except to say that the administration will eventually propose recommendations for the for-hire vehicle industry.
Instead, Mayor de Blasio’s long-awaited $2 million congestion study puts the blame on deliveries, construction and New Yorkers themselves.
“Population and job growth, increased construction activity, growth in the number of deliveries, and record levels of tourism have all contributed to the reductions in vehicle speeds,” the report on Uber and the growing for-hire vehicle industry found.
“Vehicles of all types play a role in congestion,” read the study, which was conducted by consulting firm McKinsey & Co. between August and October.
They just keep lowering the bar. Dont have to speak english, or know the city, next don’t need hack license. TLC sold souls to uber and now must serve up unlimited drivers. New slave boat of immigrants docking on mahattan island soon.
“Now another useless health care surcharge is coming.” is it called Meera Care or Joshi Care?
DiBlasio says the horses are causing congestion but 40,000 uber, lyft, etc are not. Joke, a real joke.
So The Surge Pricing Practices By Uber Thieves IS Legal And A Overcharge By A Yellow INTENTIONAL or NOT is a FINE…????
Really Time For TLC To WAKE UP…!!!
Any idea about tax return ??If I paid lease for a shift and didn’t work that shift What should put it on my tax form.
Stupidity speaks out itself .who would kill a business that brings tons of cash clean for the city at zero expenses.don’t you realy think that clean air or human rights policies play an important role in money making .Clean air and congestion policy were made to make more money ,is like selling medications that kills and that you think cure people .The reason uber is staying is because they took medallions and share it with others in the control room .but once you saw garages how they slaved drivers by pushing them to work 7days a week and overcharged them even in holidays and they never respected the tlc chart prices ,then I would say to them go kill yourselves.garages made money for the last 50 years and where that money now to compete with uber .I thing that money in turkey ,france,itally,greek
israel .egypt.bangladish.
Those owners can not compete with uber now they misdesplaced the money and it’s over.
is this means driving for uber will put more money in your pocket than driving yellow? somebody please.
I watched the TLC meeting on livestream and joshi was quick to plug uber about a baby being born in an uber. But when one of the speakers mentioned uber would surge during the snow joshi quickly shut him up and ordered him to stay on topic. When you read between the lines you see joshi for what she really is. In ubers pocket. She gave herself away. Only the City Council can save the yellow industry. Any more surcharges or mandates and the fleets can watch more cabs sit. Better for me if there are less cabs out but not for my tin.
Toronto begins regulating Uber as Taxi operation. UberX outlawed. TLC looks stupider and stupider with every passing day.
Jail Awaits Several Current City Workers and A Few Ex….
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.Taxi regulators r
Absolute power CORRUPTS absolutely. They all laughing: what u gonna do about it?
What is Uber surge charge for baby being born in Uber?
$1,000? Bank card already processed?
Why can’t Yellow drivers charge $1,000 for baby born in Yellow? Joshi lets it be known, Uber going no where soon. Now the big Uber eats. What Joshi going to to when
Uber falls flat on its face, going down the drain?
Just go home time’s up
running over pathholes .
driving like a ghost going every place ,
noone can see you or feel you .
just go home
your life is all mileage
at one mile is happiness and the rest is struggle ,
your car seat speaks loudly ,go home.
and the meter on with red digits saying ,
it’s your blood don’t waste it .
just go home
the street light poles speak ‘is that you again’.
just go home
when your life is controlled by other hands
just go home
who care for nothing
but making others rich using your blood ,
cabby just go home.
TLC will cry soon
before long Ubers go the way of Wal-Mart and Macy’s.
The reign s only so long.
Wal-Mart to close 269 stores, can’t remember the Macy’s number. But the public got
tired of the greed-mongers, the constant tv blasting: come, bring yo money, it’s time, it’s Black Friday, then black black, Saturday, then black black black sunday then cyber Monday. BRING YO MONEY. It was too much, just like Uber. Click yo iphone and an Uber doctor will appear. Too too much.
Then the whoops predicting yo behavior, showing yo the way. Hey, yo all going to
spend $5 billion this week. Is that so???????? Too much is too much.
All about Joshi, all about DeBlasio, all about Cuomo.Ain’t
about yellow or anyone else.
What is Joshi’s ladder to the sky? Is she working toward being Preet someday? Make no mistake, first consideration is all about “me.” ME ME ME.
Song, it is a good song, going down in history.
Very good song.
M. Joshi must be fired. She is incompetent and detached from reality. At least 2 people complained at last open TLC hearing about Uber – she shut them both down.That’s irresponsible. In her position SHE must ensure balance and fairness – she isn’t doing any of that. She must go and a more sensible person must take leadership at TLC. Shame to have such a commissioner. Shame.
Every dog has its day.And a good dog has 2 days.
Bark bark bark
Dance the popular dance til you fall off the cliff.
Broomberg said lock-up the baby formula, use ur tits,
ock up sugar drinks.
And he keeps letting it out he is “eyeing” a presidential run. ha ha ha
lock-up Broomberg.
Here’s a guy who said he was going to destroy the yellow industry. Oh, yeah, fat chance his ladies tits history going to get him elected. Ha ha ha
That Former POS Mayor Is A Billionaire Whore / Dad Should’ve Used a Condom
How many wheelchair-accessible cabs are out there, and how often truthfully transporting riders with the unfoldable wheelchairs? Riders and hotel doormen and the airport dispatchers are calling those cabs to overload them with more than four people and heavy baggages, right? So, the wheelchair-accessible cabs like a cargo taxi-cab in NYC!
Wheel Chairs..?….I Got Maybe 1 Every 6 Months…Put Pass in…Chair In Trunk…Same With the Blind….1 Every 6 Months ..Only When It Rains…Big Deal…NYC Wants To Kill The Access A Ride Deal…Drivers and Bases Ripping Them Off in Tune of Millions of BUCKS…..Sooo…We Will Be The NEW Access A Ride
Leased medallions picked at auction are being returned to owners. Majority of medallions in storage are accessible.
For all you guys forced to hack up to accessible. Chrysler is introducing a 80 mpg hybrid.
Years ago I had a paraplegic. Helped him in the front seat, wasn’t easy, chair in trunk.
36-01 21 st ,long island city , ny
Leaflets are the way to gain support to stop uber. Blanket the city with a well designed one. As for the wca court case, no judge is going to go against wc users. What a stupid case.